Thursday, August 1, 2024

Self discipline

 The ability to regulate one's feelings, actions, and impulses in response to outside pressures in order to fulfill one's own objectives or uphold moral standards and beliefs is known as self-discipline. It entails making decisions that support long-term goals, frequently necessitating the giving up of immediate enjoyment in favor of bigger future rewards. Self-control is essential for a number of things in life, such as personal growth, achieving success in school and the workplace, and upholding wholesome relationships and lifestyles. It is more important to establish a consistent and deliberate approach to decision-making that supports one's goals and aspirations than it is to completely follow to rules or repress urges.

Developing self-discipline can be difficult since it sometimes entails breaking old patterns, suppressing instant cravings, and facing difficulties or suffering. Since human nature is geared toward avoiding pain and seeking pleasure, it can be challenging to postpone satisfaction or put up with temporary discomfort in exchange for long-term gains. Furthermore, environmental conditions, exhaustion, and stress can all be detrimental to self-control. It takes time, effort, and often major lifestyle adjustments to develop self-discipline. It also demands a thorough awareness of one's own motives and triggers. Despite these difficulties, developing self-discipline over time can result in increased success and personal contentment.


  1. This is very interesting. I think many people take for granted how hard it is to break or start a habit. This is especially difficult when you already have a routine in place. Having self discipline can definitely lead to success and achieved goals.

  2. I really enjoyed the video, especially the part where he said that discipline can seem like your worst enemy but really it's your best friend. I also like that you highlighted how challenging it can be to get into practicing self discipline and breaking old patterns, super interesting!
