Tuesday, August 6, 2024


The common yet difficult tendency of procrastination involves delaying work even when one knows of the potential negative effects. From my prospective everyone does or has done a little procrastination because of different reasons. Procrastination often stems from fear of failure like not perform to the best of ones abilities, perfection, the lack of motivation like pushing away something the an individual does not feel important or being overwhelmed.

There are consequences for procrastination, which is stress, rushed work and missed opportunities. Personally, I do have a habit of procrastinating which leads me to being stressed and overwhelmed.

Overcoming procrastination involves different strategies and self-awareness. For example, breaking tasks into smaller manageable steps, focusing on the most important tasks or even talking to a friend while sharing goals can provide motivation and accountability. One common problem that can be minimized is procrastination. The solutions include self-awareness, strategic planning, and supportive approaches. Addressing the root causes and implementing strategies, individuals can improve procrastination and reduce stress at the same time.

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