Sunday, August 4, 2024


The tendency to put off work, assignments, tasks, and other obligations often until the very last minute or, in some cases, never at all is known as procrastination. Fear of failure, inadequacy, or receiving criticism is one of the most common causes of procrastination. Procrastination can have detrimental long-term effects on physical health in addition to its negative impact on mental health and anxiety. Some of these long-term effects are including but not limited to, depression, poor eating habits, and erratic sleeping patterns. People with ADD (more precisely, inattentive ADD) and OCD are prone to procrastination, but they are not the only ones affected. Research indicates that 20% of adults consistently put off tasks until shortly before an important deadline. According to additional studies, 50% of college students consistently and chronically put off tasks, while 75% of them have admitted to procrastinating on tasks (Shatz, Solving Procrastination). 

Although it may seem like there is no cure for procrastination, there are a few strategies that can be beneficial in forming healthier habits and overcoming procrastination. These techniques include: making a commitment to complete a task rather than putting it off, making a to-do list, rewarding yourself, and working on projects alongside family or friends who can keep an eye on you. For people who suffer with procrastination, breaking up larger, more substantial jobs into smaller, more manageable increments can be a very helpful strategy.


Shatz, I. (n.d.). Solving procrastination. Solving Procrastination.,Statistics%20about%20the%20prevalence%20of%20procrastination,95%25%20of%20college%20students%20procrastinate

 Mind Tools Content Team. (n.d.). Home. MindTools.

Susan McGarvie, Ph. D. (2024, July 29). How to Stop Procrastinating With 25 Tools.

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