Monday, August 5, 2024


 Coming from a college student I sometimes find myself guilty of procrastinating when it comes to completing my school work. It is a bad habit that I need to break out of. The work itself is not hard but the hardest part is starting the work. Procrastination is when you delay a task because you do not feel like doing it in the moment. Having the habit of this can lead to missing important deadlines that could possibly result in a bad grade which can affect students mental health. Anxiety, depression, self-esteem, etc. can be causes of procrastination. As a student who struggles with anxiety it can be hard to complete assignments on time with the fear of it not being perfect, if I am following the rubric right or feeling overwhelmed with all the other work I also have to complete. To break out of this habit I tend to write down my assignment due dates so that I can plan my week out accordingly by knowing when I should start them. If I tend to be busy on a a day an assignment is due I know to complete it a day prior.


1 comment:

  1. I love this refection, I agree that the hardest part is starting the work. I like how you added what procrastination is and an example of how you overcome this.
