Saturday, August 3, 2024


I enjoyed reading Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage because it demonstrates how resilient one can be when it comes to surviving. Even though the men dealt with extreme cold, starvation, and isolation, the men mentally found the strength to survive. The story reminded me of the Uruguayan Flight 571 crash that happened in 1972. The situation is also known as the Andes flight disaster, the plane crashed into the Andes Mountains because of poor weather and navigation errors. These men were stranded at high altitudes, faced extreme cold, lacked food, and were facing several injuries. These men did not have the proper resources, but had the courage to find a way for survival. 

Both stories show the power of motivation and human endurance when it comes to overcoming challenges. Shackleton’s crew was driven by their desire to survive and return home, ith Shackleton being the motivational leader who inspired the men with optimism and determination. While the men in the plane crash were motivated to hike across the mountains because they were driven by a desperate will to live and commitment to save others. Both narratives demonstrate how psychological resilience and motivation are important when dealing with extreme conditions and making critical decisions that can mean the difference between life and death.   

1 comment:

  1. It's always inspiring to see stories of those who not only faced incredibly harsh odds, but still came out on top of it which makes me really enjoy "The Endurance" as a book. I wasn't even aware of the Flight 571 crash that took place but similarly enough that looks to be an equally incredible story of perseverance among all odds that just goes to show that even in our own life experiences that we think are impossible to overcome, we can draw upon a well of almost infinite will as these people have to come out on top against conditions that almost claimed their lives.
