Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Impulsivity & Self-Control

 Impulsivity and self-control are important aspects of human behavior that influence our daily decisions, long-term goals, and overall well-being. Both Impulsivity and self-control concepts can provide valuable insights into our personal and professional lives. Impulsivity refers to the tendency to act on immediate desires, urges, or emotions without considering the potential long-term consequences. It is often characterized by behaviors that are spontaneous, risky, or poorly planned. Poor Decision-Making and Risky Behaviors both are examples of Impulsivity. For instance, acting on impulse can result in choices that are not well thought out leading to regret. Actions can be linked both. Self-control, on the other hand, involves the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors when dealing with many temptations and impulses. Examples of self control is Wanting to sleep in, but need to wake up, Wanting to buy new clothes, but need to save money or even procrastination.

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