Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 Psychoactive drugs are substances that affect how the brain works and can alter a person mood, behavior and awareness. Although the word sounds scary it doesn't mean they are all illegal bad drugs like for example caffeine and nicotine are legal substances that can affect your brain, even cannabis which is actually legal in New Jersey. Consuming cannabis can produce a euphoric and relaxed feeling and although to some its like a lucid dream they want to experience many cannabis users are not aware of the consequences it can bring. When consuming too much cannabis repeatedly it can actually lead you to develop something called Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome or CHS for short. The effects are a constant feeling of nausea and can include vomiting as well as dehydration and stomach pain. I had a friend who would take 2-3 edibles a day just to get through the night cause it helped them sleep but after two weeks passed they started feeling discomfort because of the constant feeling of needing to throw up and they felt severely dehydrated no matter how much they drank water. As of right now there is no specific cure but time and stopping the consumption of any marijuana product, it can take a few weeks depending the amount consumed but over time the symptoms go away. Although the symptoms go away it doesn't mean it should be left untreated since it not only affects your brain but can cause you to feel dehydrated which can possibly lead to kidney failure. 

1 comment:

  1. This was very informative highlighting both legal substances like caffeine, nicotine, and cannabis, and it's potential risks. I also like how you shared a personal perspective about your friends experience.
