Sunday, August 4, 2024

Book Report-The Willpower-Korey Allen

    In "The Willpower Instinct," Kelly McGonigal explores the science behind willpower and self-control, offering awareness on how to grasp and strengthen these traits in three parts. The book gets into the psychological and physiological aspects of willpower, combining research findings with actionable strategies to help readers understand and improve their self-discipline. McGonigal provides a bigger look at how willpower works, including its limitations and how it can be enhanced through mindfulness, goal setting, and understanding one’s behavior patterns.

    One of my favorite parts of the book is when McGonigal discusses the concept of "temptation bundling," she explains how pairing a hard task with an enjoyable activity can help build willpower and make self-control more manageable. This strategy stays with me because it provides a realistic and relatable approach to overcoming procrastination and staying motivated. By linking a less enjoyable task with something pleasant, McGonigal shows how to hold personal preferences to boost motivation and self-discipline, which gets directly into our class motivation.

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