Saturday, August 3, 2024

Book Report - The Willpower Instinct

 The book I decided to read was The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal. This book deeply explores the science behind willpower and how it could be used for personal growth and success. This book covers many topics that humans struggle to have willpower with such as trying to maintain a healthy diet. It gives advice and evidence on why willpower is for the greater good. McGonigal sections the book into three parts. I “will” power, I “won't” power. and I “want” power. Every chapter of the book examines ways to strengthen willpower and a positive mindset. The book also covers topics such as procrastination, social influences, and cravings to overcome. Throughout this book, I learned to understand the motivation of things, situational factors, and self-control. These three new topics provide a new perspective. She talks about how self-control and self-management make us different from other animals and I find that to be my favorite part of the book. She talks about evolutionary history and how people stood out from animals because we can restrain ourselves. Those who obtain control over their instincts can have more control over their own lives. This book is relatable because it speaks about self-control and willpower aspects that I need to acknowledge and use in my everyday life. Sometimes I can find myself impulsive when taking certain actions in my life. This book provides us with information on self-control and willpower which could help benefit our futures. I believe that this book could benefit many people who want to achieve a new chapter in their lives. The book motivates readers to have a stronger mindset to achieve their goals and positive outcomes. Below I attached a video of the author describing willpower.

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