Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Book Report- The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal

“The Willpower Instinct” by Kelly McGonigal shows the science of self-control and how it can be controlled to achieve personal goals. McGonigal talks about the psychological and neurological mechanisms behind willpower. She explains how it functions as a fixed resource that can be strengthened with practice. The book covers many topics such as the impact of stress on self-control, the role of mindfulness, and the importance of setting real and important goals. Throughout the book there are many practical strategies and insights. McGonigal gives readers tools to improve their willpower, overcome temptations, and make healthier and productive life choices.

One part of the book “The Willpower Instinct” that stood out to me is the chapter on the impact of stress on self-control. This chapter stood out to me the most because is shows how stress can consume willpower making things harder for a person to resist temptations and stick to important goals set to achieve. Personally, I know I go through this. The author explains that stress can trigger the brain's "fight or flight" response which then redirect away from self-control and decision-making. What i really find interesting about this section is that the author provides practical approaches to managing stress. For example, mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques, to help individuals strengthen their willpower in stressful circumstances. The focus on stress management provides give great ideas for improving individuals self-control and well-being. This part of the book is very relevant and can help anyone seeking to understand and improve their ability to manage impulses and achieve their personal goals. 

I can also relate this section of the book to what we have learned in class. The impact of stress on self-control can relate to procrastination because stress and procrastination can build on one another. When people are stressed they find themselves overwhelmed and unable to focus which can lead to many different behaviors, one being putting off important tasks. The section provides a lot of insights into how managing stress through different techniques like relaxation can better self-control and decrease procrastination. Many people can improve their ability to concentrate by addressing stress.

Youtube video of TED Talk- Kelly McGonigal


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