Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Addictive behaviors and addictions

 Addictive behaviors and addictions are complicated problems that have a big effects on people's lives and society as a whole. Thinking about these subjects can help give one an understanding of their causes, effects, and possible solutions. Common forms of addiction include substance abuse (alcohol, drugs), gambling, internet use, and even behaviors like shopping or eating. These drugs consist of Caffeine, and nicotine (legal substances), Amphetamines, Cannabis, Cocaine Opiates. Caffeine can be in many things, like an energy drink or coffee. Personally, I do not like drinking coffee but I’ll drink an energy drink.  

Causes of Addiction can be from Psychological Factors. For instance, mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and trauma. Many young adolescents go though this with can cause addiction at a young age. Peer pressure, stress, and exposure to addictive substances or behaviors in the environment can also cause a persons addiction. 

Addiction has many consequences between health problems and legal issues. Many people should be aware of these consequences. I believe that Helping someone with addiction requires understanding that it's a chronic illness rather than an individual's fault. Stories of individuals affected by addiction may work as strong reminders of the human nature of this problem, creating compassion and understanding.

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