Saturday, July 27, 2024


The most common stimulant today are vapes or e-cigarettes. They are advertised to be a better alternative than traditional cigarettes. One thing that became disturbing is when vapes are targeting youth as their market. Many vape brands creates flavoring that is inspired by fruits, popular candies and desserts which are attractive to younger people. Vapes are also created with colorful, fashionable and sleek design, they also resemble common everyday items like a USB flash drive or a pen. Companies are also using social media as a way to reach their target market, which are the youth because they are the ones that spend most of their time in social media. This is problematic because in a young age many starts to be reliant to nicotine. It is ironic how they advertise to be better than cigarettes but all they did was add a new age group in the  population of people addicted to nicotine. 


1 comment:

  1. Something really sinister about vapes is how easy they are to smoke. With cigarettes you actually have to go through the process of lighting it, whereas a vape is as simple as putting it up to your mouth. I definitely think it's a huge problem as almost everyone I know smokes them. In my honest opinion, they should be banned from being sold in stores.
