Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Power of Willpower

Willpower « Mimi and Eunice

 Understanding willpower which was talked about in the (Impulsivity and self control slides) is the level of discipline one has to do or not do something. From personal experience I find that I often lack willpower. For example when it comes to spending money on things that we want, we often fight a mental battle of whether we should get it or not. A Lot of people actually have the power to walk away from the temptation of consumer products but not everyone contains willpower. Willpower also goes hand and hand with self control. When you gain self control comes willpower, the willpower to say no or stop with something like a habit. 


  1. Hi Stephanie,

    Many people struggle with willpower in various aspects of their lives. Your example of exercising self-control when making a purchase is very relatable. In today's world, it's so easy to give in to temptations, especially with the convenience of online shopping at our fingertips!

  2. I think willpower is something people struggle with and we often don't realize it. We can be quick with making decisions and not think of the consequences. Just like the example you provided, we spend money on things we want because we are thinking of the present and how happy it makes us. We don't think whether it's a necessity or the consequences that we may suffer financially in the future. We are human and like to live in the moment.
