Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Shaping Behaviors with Rewards

 One of the most fascinating part about human psychology is how powerful rewards can be in shaping someone's behavior. We all know that people who are at the top of the corporate ladder are people that worked hard from the beginning. Working hard was the behavior and promotion is the reward, even  though not everyone that get promoted deserves it, this is still the common knowledge. This is also how slot machines in casinos work. We all know that by pulling a lever there is a chance to make more money than you deposited, although this is not the case most of the time. Knowing that there is a reward by working hard or by just pulling a lever this motivates us to keep doing it. A television show The BigBang Theory shows how reward impacts someone's behavior in a comedic way. Sheldon creates a "behavior modification" chart for Penny, complete with a token system (a piece of chocolate) to encourage her to conform to his various requests and preferences. By offering incentives for Penny to adhere to his idiosyncratic rules, Sheldon demonstrates how structured rewards can motivate behavior and foster compliance, making this quirky example a playful yet accurate reflection of how rewards can impact our everyday interactions.

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