Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Procrastination is a big problem that many college students encounter. One of the reasons why people continue to procrastinate is because it works for the most part. If you get the work done by the deadline why change this attitude? Tim Urban in his TedTalk about procrastination mentioned that we get the things done before the deadline with the help of what he called the panic monster. It is what alerts our mind that we need to get things done because the deadline is close. So how are we going to deal with something that does not have a deadline? This is where self-control is important, having the patience and understanding that gratification is not always instant. We should understand that choosing the activity with the instant gratification can have consequences in the future and work that does not have instant pleasure may have a bigger reward in the long run. 

TedTalk link:


  1. Hi, I agree with what you said about procrastination and why people continue to do it. In reality, most people probably wouldn't drop a habit as long as they are still able to accomplish what they need to. I think the point you referenced from the video is relevant as well, as panic does encourage us to get things done as the deadline approaches.

  2. Growing up I was always told "Why do it tomorrow when you can do it today" although procrastination is seen as a bad thing because you are putting off the task I agree that if it works why change the attitude because its not a bad thing as long as the work that is getting put off gets done by the deadline.
