Sunday, July 28, 2024

Procrastination in Relation to Self Control

    Self control is a key component of a person’s development and overall well-being, providing individuals with the ability to regulate their desires, emotions and behavior in the midst of impulse and demands from their environment. Self control involves one’s ability to delay gratification and resist temptation. When a person has a good sense of self control, they are more likely to make rational decisions, opposed to being driven by emotional responses and impulse. A term related to self control is procrastination, the techniques we use to avoid making impulsive decisions. The Procrastination Equation states that there are different reasons that can account for procrastination, such as irrational beliefs, anxiety and perfectionism, although this theory is unsupported. Another aspect of procrastination is self-handicapping where people hinder their own performance. This is often done for individuals to shield themselves from humiliation and protect their self esteem, although another unsupported theory. The practice of self control has various positive outcomes, including healthier relationships, a decrease in stress and improved resilience. 

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