Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Impulsiveness comes when the body fills with adrenaline and you become antsy and tense like you have to do something suddenly. In the slides surrounding Drugs for addictive behavior they use a likert scale with about 30 questions used to narrow down how impulsive someone is feeling. For example, the feeling one might get at the sight or thought of drugs. Impulsiveness lets off dopamine ( happy hormones) inside of the brain, which causes the person to get antsy and feel drawn to the cause of those feelings. 

1 comment:

  1. This explanation of impulsiveness is very insightful. When adrenaline surges, it can make you feel tense and eager to act, often leading to impulsive decisions. The release of dopamine during these impulsive moments highlights the connection between impulsiveness and the brain's reward system, explaining why people might feel an irresistible pull toward certain behaviors or substances.
