Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Enduring the Impossible

 When reading the book "Endurance", the story involving the crew of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition beginning in 1914, there were many moments of outright stupefaction within me. I thought to myself "Just how are these people (who are undergoing just about the worst possible series of events) able to survive, sometimes even find joy, while in this terrible survival situation?"  The answer lies within the Indomitable spirit of humanity. Through a miracle of motivation, not some, but EVERY member of Shackleton's crew was eventually rescued. This is thanks not only to the excellent leadership skills of Shackleton along with his infinitely hard-working crew, but also the body's ability to adapt to environmental pressures and survive extreme hardship. 

Whether it is lugging around large rescue boats through a vast wasteland of snow, surviving off of nothing but the leftover ingredients from the ship and seal meat, or finding ways to keep busy in a snowy purgatory, the human mind adapts. This story is truly a display of what humans can achieve with motivation. When reading, I questioned to myself if I would be able to survive such catastrophic events. I suppose there is no way to know until it happens, but this story does prove that with proper motivation and the ability to endure, anything is possible.

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