Friday, July 12, 2024

Book Report

     The Power of Habit  

Charles Duhigg 


        For my book report I chose the book The Power of Habit which is a book about creating and maintaining habits as well as the successor of having good habits, and the book consists of about nine different chapters. The author also uses modern science to understand the way the brain works with habits, and how you could trick the neuroreceptors to trick the mind into supporting the habit itself. One of the topics I find the most interesting is the thought process of how our life is built and consists of habits throughout our lives. When we start to do something, and it becomes a consistent thing it's considered a habit. For example, if you start working out for a week if you continue this for more than two weeks it becomes a habit. I chose this topic because I can relate to it the most. I have a habit of creating unrealistic hairs and it doesn't last. Then it turns into me just living my life with the constant thought of making habits to follow.  

                   This topic relates to the class in a way of being motivated to create and carry through with a habit, you often need the motivation or willpower to continue completing a habit. In the first slide show (impulsivity and self-control) mentions how willpower can be decided by one's willpower to keep something going. After reading the book I feel I crack the code on the mindset and tools I need to properly create a habit and keep it. Chapter 2 references an example of the good feeling people get or seek after working out or doing something they enjoy. I plan to incorporate this idea by looking for the light at the end of the tunnel for any habit I choose or want to pursue. Another topic I found the most interesting is chapter seven, knowing what you want before you go for it; it's almost like having a dream in life you know what your dream is and it's up to you to create those small habits to build up to the dream life or job you want.  


The video I added above depicts my view of motivation. I grew up watching monsters inc and seeing how hard Sully worked to stay on top of his work. Mike sully created a habit of waking up early, training, etc., which led to his success. Sully showed with the right motivation and support from a friend you can be on the top of your game.  

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