Chapter one, "I will, I won't, I want: what willpower is, and why it matters", is all about the three parts of willpower and some examples. In this chapter she starts off by explaining these three parts of willpower as different powers. You use "I will" and "I won't" powers when you need self control to keep you from doing something. They help you to make the decision to not do or eat or buy something etc. The third power, "I want" reminds you why your saying no and what the goal is. An example she uses of this is dieting. Someone is tempted to make the decision to eat something really sweet like chocolate cake but before they make the choice they need to stop and pause. The "I will" and "I won't" make them either decide to eat or to not eat the cake. The "I want" reminds them why, because their diet and their goal to lose weight. Wether they decide to eat it or not, they still used all three powers to make the choice. She also explained that neuroscience suggests we have one brain but two minds. One of the minds acts on impulses and instant rewards while the other protects us from acting on impulses and delays instant rewards. She talks about an example of a lady whose midbrain was damaged completely during surgery to try and stop seizures. While the seizures stopped the outcome was still negative. She lost her ability to feel fear and disgust which lead to her doing impulsive things. This backs up the saying one brain two minds. She seemed to be left with only the mind that acted on impulses for instant rewards. One other thing the chapter talks about that I found really interesting was that meditation enhances your ability to use self control and willpower better. While meditating you are teaching the brain to do many tasks that involve self control. These tasks you are working on are more focus, attention, how to manage stress, help with your impulse controls and lastly a better self awareness. All of these things are scientifically proven to increase gray matter in the brain. More meditation comes with more self awareness and gray matter which helps the person to have more willpower and self control.

The fight or flight response want you to act on impulse to escape the danger. When it comes to the cheesecake it is a different type of danger. The innate response you use in this situation is pause and plan. The author explains that when your eyes first lay sight on the strawberry cheesecake, dopamine is released from the neurotransmitters.The dopamine makes you want and need the cheesecake. While this is happening you body also drops its blood sugar level. The second you think about eating the cheesecake, your brain uses it's neurochemicals to make your body use all the energy you have causing you to have a drop in your blood sugar levels. This prompts you to become light headed and shaky and even cranky. Your body is trying to force you to eat the cheesecake, it is making you think you need it. When this happens fight or flight is not necessary because you are not likely to die in this situation. Instead you use pause and plan. With this response adrenaline is not released so, your body allows you to have time to think about the choice you are about to make, do you want the cheesecake or do u want to walk away. Both situations use a type of self control innate technique but are both also quite different.

In conclusion, this book was interesting and a great way to learn about your need for self control. I liked how the author used multiple reasons you need to use self control say for dieting, impulse spending, risky behaviors etc., because this lets many people relate with topics they may struggle with. I also liked how there were examples of situations or stories involving actual people. I think hearing those stories lets you better understand what is able to happen when using self control and willpower. There wasn't anything I necessarily disliked. I just think that it could have been shorter, it seemed to run long and I found myself losing some interest at the end. However, I did enjoy the book and would recommend it to others. I think they can learn a lot and definitely be interested.
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