Thursday, August 3, 2017


Looking at the slides, videos and related information on addiction poses an interesting but somewhat contrasting view of my own opinions and observations about addiction. According to most of the information addiction is chemically based in the brain to release dopamine when a person uses a drug, drinks alcohol, gambles or exercises. Which from a scientific standpoint is completely true. People like to do things that make them happy, happiness is controlled by dopamine and therefore addiction is entrenched in that fact.

However, I think that there is more to the actual real life view of what addiction really is, it is just as much about how those things make people feel than how it does not make them feel. For some people they use these things as a way to make themselves feel good, things start off as a hobby and then turns into their life as they become more and more dependent on that thing to make them feel better. For others it is more about the things they are avoiding by doing what they are doing. That being said, the Naltrexone pill that is supposed to be a cure all for people suffering from addiction is not at all a cure all. It might make someone not want to do something or feel the need to do something, but it does not fix the real root of the problem. For people who have outside factors, other than just finding themselves addicted after recreational use, the drug only makes them not do the drug or alcohol, it does not repair their mind or life that could be heavily damaged. Not doing the thing that someone is addicted to is only half the battle. People can still ruin their lives if they are clean or sober, they themselves also need to improve and learn how to fix themselves or their lives to truly be cured of an addiction.  


  1. Hey Michael, I totally agree with you opinion on how addiction is much deeper than we think. Of course it is a chemical response in the brain, and we can fix that through recovery, and like you mentioned Naltrexone, but some people use in the first place to numb the pain they are feeling. Addiction is a long, hard road that takes a lot of counseling and support in order to fully recover.

  2. Addiction is a disease that is incurable and can be treated by remaining abstinent by way of applying healthy coping skills and activities daily. You are absolutely right Michael, individuals can ruin their lives while clean and sober because drugs aren't the problem, the individual is. Without changing how a person reacts to situations the cycle of insanity continues without the substance present. As far as the Naltrexone pill, it's designed to help individuals fight the cravings and decrease obsessive thoughts to use opiate drugs and alcohol while blocking the receptors for that day. There is "no cure" for addiction. However there are healthy ways to learn to cope with addiction such as; 12 step meetings, building a healthy support system, getting a sponsor, counseling, exercise, changing diet, and spirituality.

  3. I don't believe you can ever "cure" an addiction, you just become more mindful of it and its consequences of your life. I know it sounds like a cheesy phrase that the fall back on in any movie scene dealing with a AA program but admitting is the first part of the battle. "Hello, my name is (blank) and I'm an alcoholic." To know and acknowledge an addiction actually makes it real. Seeing the addiction and putting plans into motion for recovery is key. I agree with Jennifer, an addict has to develop strong coping skills in order to work through an addiction. And the lifestyle choices Michael mentioned must be made. It is called recovery not a cure.
