Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christine's Final Project Post

General Overview:
                Motivational psychology was one of the more interesting psychology courses that I have ever taken, and at this point in my education career I feel like I have taken a million psychology courses. I enjoyed learning about topics in motivation such as what pushes and pulls us towards something, addictions, personality and how it has an effect on one’s decisions, temperament, how one chooses a mate, and different theories from philosophers such as Freud, Charles Darwin, and Thorndike. I also enjoyed learning the little influence that Positive Psychology is gaining in the education world. I am now interested in learning about that topic as well. Overall, the topics that we covered in this course I found to intrigue me. A lot of it was very relatable to my own personal life, and how I find motivation to play out. It was nice to be able to put an explanation for my procrastination, or loss of motivation.

Favorite Part:

I have always been interested in people’s personality traits, what makes people different/why, and how someone’s personality dictates their actions. I was excited that personalities played a part in motivational psychology as well. It is general knowledge that there are numerous different types of personalities such as Type A, standoffish, avoidant, risk-taker, and so on, what is interesting is that people with personality traits such as those who have type A personalities are more like to be motivated and drive. In this course we discussed traits and temperament. What I learned is that temperament is more imbedded in our genes; it is inherited characteristics that we have that effect our emotions. On the other hand, our personality comes from our interactions between our temperament and social interactions. I was particularly intrigued by the big five model. I recall learning about this previously in a personality psychology course and finding it to be somewhat subjective. I had to do research on the sincerity of it, and it proved to be right on target, and a broad enough scale to cover all personalities. We also talked about sensation seekers, and the four components: 1. Thrill and adventure, 2. Experience, 3. Disinhibiting, 4. Boredom and susceptibility. I enjoyed this example of sensation seeker, or people who have sensation seeking personalities, because I am not one to seek out insane sensations such as cliff diving, bunji jumping, or sky-diving. I like to keep my feet planted on the ground, and so I liked to know what would motivate someone to seek out such risky sensations.


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This video is based on four personality types, and ways motivate each personality type differently. I thought it was very relevant to what we learned in the course, and would be interesting for others to see as well.


I am thinking about motivation all the times. Every time I do anything, eat, sleep, drink, exercise, make a decision, and so on… it can all relate to motivational psychology. I thought it was very fascinating to learn what pulls us towards something, and what pushes us away. I also liked how I could make the relation to procrastination. I could totally relate to the example we went over in class about getting up early to exercise and how important it was to be when the time was farther away. I can’t tell you how many times sleep has outweighed exercise. I thought that was very funny when we discussed that as an example of losing motivation as the time came closer to doing it, but I enjoyed that I was able to make the relationship to real life concepts to concepts learned in this course.

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