Wednesday, October 19, 2011
State of Arousal and Performance
Friday, October 14, 2011
Taking Adderall
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Adderall Me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Use of Aderol
K. VanNess
Chemical Effects of Alcohol on the Brain
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Adderall Me
After reading the article on Adderall, I agree with what many said... it sounds great. The solve all for classic college cramming. However, it so closely reminded me of someone else who had once believed they found a cure all drug. With many uses such as an antidepressant, analgesic, an anti-fatigue, and a cure for morphine addiction. The person was Sigmund Freud and the drug was cocaine. We have come a long way since then... or have we?
Adderall is being used and abused by so many nowadays. Most people may think it's ok because they know someone who takes it, but when I researched it via The National Library of Medicine, there were 37 possible side effects. Now, personally, that in itself is enough for me to say "eh, no thanks."
To take Adderall or not to take Adderall?
The ADHD Da Vinci Code
Guess what? Shire Pharmaceuticals is the owner of this video. Also! The website is an 'Everyday Health' website. Everyday Health is partners with a bunch of pharmesutical outlets. CONSPIRACY or GOOD MARKETING?
The Adderall Me
The Adderall Me
This article was interesting to read. I have never taken Adderall before but one of my friends has. She would describe it as being focused for a long period of time. She would be able to sit in the library all day and just read forever. So pretty much her experience relates to what the author wrote about. Adderall and other drugs like it are used most widely for those who have ADHD. It is also common for college students who use it as a “study buddy.” The author apparently consults a few psychiatrists, who tell him that there are no long-term health consequences. Personally, I do not believe this. The author then decides to take Adderall for one week to see how it effects him. He describes it as a euphoric experience but with somewhat depressive withdrawal symptoms. When he talks about whether Adderall increases vs. decreases creativity, I think it all depends on the person. I think for it to increase your creativity, you must have some creativity already within you. Finally, I think this article makes Adderall sound like a good idea and that its something everyone should try. It seems as though the author is promoting drug use in some way.
Foer and Adderall
But if you need to crank out a whole semester of homework in a couple of days, Adderall will help you do that.
What probably should have been left out of the article is the bit he mentioned about "DOCTORS" saying that if Adderall is taken by a responsible person who's not a schizo takes Adderall and doesn't snort or inject it then it should be relatively safe. Even if that knowledge was divulged to him by a doctor, he should have left it out. The readers of this magazine could easily be college-age Americans with access to this dangerous amphetamine. Adderall's first hour effects are DEFINITELY euphoric and that high could be a cause for addiction; plus some of his readers could be schizophrenic and not know it, read this, say that "DOCTOR's" said it was OK, and pop a 30 mg next time they have a big exam. Silliness.
Maslow's Hierarchy+Cognitive Dissonance+Heroin
Humans are instinctual creatures; we all want to live. Physiological needs top Maslow's hierarchy, but once a person mainlines heroin into their bloodstream, heroin becomes the top of the hierarchy of needs. If you ask a dope fiend if he wants a burger or a bundle, he'll pick the bundle every single time. So:
Humans naturally want to live.
Then, a human gets addicted to heroin. I would say a relatively prudent person of average intelligence would realize that once they are addicted to heroin, they will either have to take very difficult steps to get clean and live , or die. But humans naturally want to live. But the heroin addict will keep shooting heroin in some cases and kill themselves. Then there's no more cognitive dissonance, no more hierarchy. Just a drug.
Is heroin that good that it becomes more important than living? Users report an "infatuation" and actually being "in love" with this opiate (, The Dark Side). They'd rather die a user than ever go hanggliding or get married or meet their potential grandchildren.
So people say that addicts are addicts because of their own faults and mistakes. If they wanted to just quit and live, they would, right? Maybe the first time they used, they just snorted it, made a mistake, didn't realize that they would absolutely fall in love with the drug and never recover. The thought of the drug and how it makes them feel lingers in their brain throughout the hours of the day when those of us who are non-addicts think about girls or football or homework. It just becomes the drug. That's it.
Cognitive Dissonance
Monday, October 10, 2011
The Adderall Me
I never heard much about adderall until living on campus at college. I hear a lot of students talking about adderall and their school work, especially around the time of finals. I never thought much of it until now. I never really knew what its effects and side effects were, except for hearing what my roommate complained about. It seems almost like a bit of a miracle drug.
Breanne Bryson
My romance with ADHD meds
My Romance with ADHD meds
In terms of speaking about the article “My romance with ADHD meds” was quite impressive. For this type of drug to be misused is not shocking at all. The way it’s advertised would make anyone want it. Who wouldn’t want to increase their mental and cognitive abilities? Especially, if you’re a college student who thinks that it helps you get through exams, tests, or even finals. But that’s just one side of the medication. What’s really not being emphasized is the fact that this medicine can be dangerous if it is not prescribed to you by a physician.
You know this medication is not joke when it made a man kill his infant daughter then got away with it. Personally, this medication has too many side effects as well as long term effects for me to want to take it. Although, I’m a college student, I would not take this no matter what! People don’t realize that you can become psychologically dependent on this drug. Just like the writer Jack Kerouac who ended up with thrombophlebitis which is a blood clot in the vein that causes inflammation. So, although this was a good article I would not even think twice about taking any type a drug. Here is a video that explains what adderall is and what it does. In addition, there are some views from other college students who would take this drug. This is a very informative video so take a look. There are too many other ways to get good grades without the help of adderall!! STUDY BUDDY or even STUDY GROUPS but not the Study Pill it’s just not worth it!!!!
My romance with ADHD meds.
The Adderall Me
The Adderall Me
Reading this article made me think about what it would be like if I was to take Adderall. I thought about how much school work I can get done in one night just by taking a pill. I personally don’t think I would ever be able to take it though. To most people, Adderall is like a dream drug. I do know that Adderall isn’t an addictive drug but if you see how concentrated you are while taking why wouldn’t you take it every time you need to get work done? I feel like people are going to continually take the drug if it is helping them accomplish so much. I do understand that it is easier to concentrate while on Adderall but I could never do that. This is not an addictive drug but like with any drug taking it when there is no medical need for it can cause some types of damage. It is scary to think about how many people, knowing the side effects of this drug and any other drug, still take them.
The Adderall Me
The Adderall Me
The Adderall Me
Romance with ADHD meds
Motivation is all in your head. A person could work hard and be productive if they set their mind to it. Unless, you have a certain psychological disorder you can motivate yourself to do anything. Adderall and other ADHD medications are for people who really need it and they shouldn't be abused by the people who are prescribed it, let alone the people who aren't.
My Romance with ADHD Meds
Now back to the opinions, first off I’ll be honest with you that when it comes to pills in general I tend to stay away from them completely, call it neurotic or whatever you like. I just hear so many stories of how people get hooked on them and how they suffer through inconvenient side effects or go through the rigors of withdrawal, no thanks (even though the author claims that you cannot become addicted to Adderall). Another opinion I share is how productive you can be on these supposed “magic pills”, to me it’s all a mental thing. I think if an individual is motivated enough and possesses the necessary drive, they can be as productive as they desire, given any day. I consider myself to be a fairly productive person, I tend to do pretty well academically (even though I’m a last minute person), I have a social life that I have no complaints about, and I’m a pretty decent athlete; so as far as I am concerned I do not need a pill to enhance any of my life’s aspects.
I will say this though, I do find it hard to function, at least in an academic sense, without coffee. So what I suppose it is a vice of mine, sue me, we all have one vice or another. Sure you’ll experience a little crash here and there, but I swear by coffee and as far as I’m concerned, I’ll take that over some little pill that could lead to psychosis any day, call me crazy if you like.
...ok, maybe this guy could seriously use a pill, or something
Sunday, October 9, 2011
My Romance with ADHD meds
In terms of speaking about Motivation, this article “My Romance with ADHD meds” says it all. It was hard to believe that Benzedrine which was similar to Adderall was an over the counter drug that was utilized to treat a nasal congestion. The most intriguing detail about this article was the fact that before the FDA made it prescription only in 1959; Jack Kerouac took this medication at his leisure and increased his ability in his writing as well as thinking. The power of this medication today is just the same, however, many people are taking it for granted.
This medicine is being utilized improperly by many people. Some high school students as well as college students are using this to get high and to study from. This medication is in such high demand that students are paying large amounts of money just to have it. Below is a video that explains that nature of this particular drug and how it is being utilized today as far as college students are concerned.
The one memorable moment I had with this type of drug was when I worked as a bus driver. The teachers of these students on these particular medications would wait until I pulled up with the bus and checked their book bags and if they did not have their medication they would put them back on the bus for me to take them home. These kids were just six and seven years of age and the medication didn’t do anything but make them like zombies. They would sit in class drugged up and not move. I just thought this was crazy that these teachers would insist upon these kids being drugged up before entering their classes.
After reading this article, the thought of taking this to increase my cognitive skills ran across my mind as well. However, the side effects made me think twice. There are too many side effects to this medication along with being careful of not taking this medication with certain other meds could be extremely dangerous.
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Adderall Me
As for the man who took it for a week it was interresting to see how it affected someone who wasn not perscribed.
To be honest I believe we all today have a spec of ADD or ADHD and a little adderall wouldn't hurt. Me personally, I'll pass, Im not one to ever depend on something for something else or a diffrent effect.
Another Study I found regarding ADD/ADHA & it's abuse:
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I don't need no speed
I must say that taking adderall to focus on school work is news to me. I have never heard of such a thing. I went to PsychInfo to look for some articles that were similar to Foer’s article. The article I found was called, “Non-medical use of prescription stimulants among US college students.” The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence rates and correlates of non-medical use of prescription stimulants such as Ritalin and Adderall. One hundred and nineteen students from 4 year colleges in 39 states. The students were randomly selected and a self-report study was conducted. It was interesting to discover that the results indicated that rates were higher at colleges located in the north-eastern region of the US and colleges with more competitive admission standards. Also, the use of Adderall was high among college students who were male, white, members of fraternities and sororities and earned lower grade point averages. The findings of the study provided evidence that non -medical prescription use of Adderall is more prevalent among particular groups of United States college students and types of colleges. This study was performed in 2001.
After reading both articles, I really don’t see the harm in using the adderall when you are trying to focus on your work with school. I have such a busy life that it would be nice to sit and focus on my books and writing. I do not like the feeling of coming down from the high from the day before though. That wouldn’t be good for me trying to work and care for my child, but a college student who does not have kids it may help with school work. I almost wonder how many people who are becoming doctors must take this drug to stay awake and focus.
The Miracle Drug
Change of Speed; Mom's New Fix
So as a college undergrad or someone who's just had a rough week and needs a boost to knock out the 12 page paper that's been due for 2 months in 12 hours, adderall seems like an intelligent solution. For myself, if my time is not scheduled well enough to complete my assignments in a secure, anxiety penalty free manner, then I deserve the grade that follows. I don't agree with using drugs to enhance my ability to do the things I'm well capable of handling on my own. But that's just me, and judging from this article, adderall will remain a college love affair that continues to go unaddressed.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
An interesting prospect
So what is the harm? In the article, the author mentions that many famous authors and writers have taken some help from Adderall. If someone can use it to boost their career, why can't a college student use it during midterms or finals. If the effects are not severe and there really aren't any long lasting negative effects, why doesn't someone jump on the opportunity? Think about it. If the government loosened regulations and sold Adderall in low dosages, they could make a fortune. What college student, busy parent, or overloaded business man wouldn't pay some cash for a little mental stimulation? The article states that doctors have not found harmful effects and occasional usage is probably harmless. Like everything else in this world, most things are fine in moderation. This could be a great tool for all types of people to make their lives a little easier. And anything this marketable will definitely make a large profit for someone smart enough to monopolize on it.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Romance with Adderall
I enjoyed reading this article and learning about how Adderall affects other people. I liked the fact I was able to relate to the author and I feel he does a good job describing how it works. I also appreciate the fact he brings up the risks. As a seventeen year old I did not think of the risks that can happen from taking a non prescribed drug and now I think it's kinda crazy that I used it without thinking. I relate this article with motivation because of the motivation needed to sit down and write a paper, or in the author's case an article - just for example. Students are motivated to write papers to result in getting good grades so they can graduate and get a job. But the initial act of sitting down at a computer is much harder then expected. On Adderall, the author explained, "When I tried writing on the drug, it was like I had a choir of angels sitting on my shoulders. I became almost mechanical in my ability to pump out sentences. The part of my brain that makes me curious about whether I have new e-mails in my inbox apparently shut down." During the span of just writing this blog I have checked my email, my facebook, and made a phone call. Sometimes it really would be helpful to have the part of my brain thinking about e-mails to shut down so I can focus on one thing at a time. But I have come this far without it and now writing a paper is consistent with a routine of checking email, facebook, getting a snack, making a phone call and other activities that allow you to step back from your main focus. So now, motivation to graduate is my new Adderall.
Source - The Adderall Me by Joshua Foer
Monday, October 3, 2011
A Maslow Argument.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Life without Fear ???
I was very excited to start writing my thoughts on this motivation factor; fear. Fear is what defines us as humans, is an emotion shared universally. It helps us escape dangerous things and it also helps us overcome our inner most fears through motivation. Fears come in a variety of ways; fear of animals, fear of failing, fear of death and so on. I personally see fear as the top reason why we survive or not; fear can overpower or it can empower an individual. Fear is also the cause of the common known disorder phobia. When asked: what do you fear the most to 9-13 year old Dutch children , the top answer was spider and the second was being kidnapped Fear to me, can be caused by undesirable experiences in the past which influences us throughout our lives. Personally, when I was a kid, I saw a snake and it terrified me to the point where it still scares me till this day. My one day experience with the snake was strong enough to develop a fear which has lasted for a long time. This fear has prevented me from going near bushes or rivers; and even the reptile section of a zoo. Fear also have its degree, a person with an extreme fear of catching an STD disease for example, may stop having sex altogether but a person with a mild fear of it, wears protective gear when performing the act. Fear can be an advantage and also a disadvantage. It can be a motivation factor in overcoming our fears and do better, in so doing you feel empowered or a disadvantage because it prevents the person from living their life. Fear also entitles to my favorite quote: practice make perfect, meaning not giving up due to fear of failure make a person succeed. Fear can motivate or discourage a person but in the end is what makes us human.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Humility by the Pack
Check out this article...
Baseball World U.S. N.Y. / Region Business Technology Science Health Sports
Joe Giza/Reuters
Rookie relief pitchers are being forced to wear schoolgirl backpacks to transport gear and snacks to the bullpen.
Published: August 31, 2011
The Phillies' Michael Schwimer carries a bright pink backpack.
But decades of hard work could be coming undone thanks to the smiling faces of Hannah Montana, Dora the Explorer and Hello Kitty.
In this tradition-bound sport, in which managers wear the same uniforms as the players and Cracker Jack can still be bought at concession stands, a hazing ritual that has gone on for years seems to have reached a new level of absurdity at major league ballparks: rookie relievers are being forced to wear schoolgirl backpacks — gaudy in color, utterly unmanly — to transport gear.
“Everybody laughs at me,” said Bryan Shaw, a 23-year-old rookie reliever for the Arizona Diamondbacks. Before each game, he makes the long, painful walk to the bullpen toting a pink bag adorned with an image of a white unicorn. “They all yell, ‘Cute bag!’ ” he said.
The most junior reliever on each major league team is in charge of carrying the stash of snacks, drinks and pain medications from the clubhouse to the bullpen. For decades, an extra equipment sack or plastic shopping bag sufficed. But leave it to big leaguers to find new ways to torment their tenderfoots.
“It’s just one more way to get at your rookie,” said Mets pitcher Tim Byrdak, 37. “You have to walk all the way across the field to get to the bullpen, so you make the rookie carry this pink bag, and you can kind of humiliate him.”
Before a recent home game, Pedro Beato, 24, the Mets’ youngest reliever, was diligently stuffing a fuchsia Dora the Explorer backpack with chips, cookies and candy bars. When Jason Isringhausen, one of the team’s veterans, had gone shopping online to find a suitable bag for Beato, he knew exactly what he was looking for. “Something pink,” Isringhausen said.
The flamboyance of a floral pattern running down either side of the bag forms a striking juxtaposition with its wearer. “The first day I showed up, and it was just in my locker, I knew what I had to do,” said Beato, a 6-foot-4 right-hander with a vicious fastball. “It’s my duty.”
That duty, and that color scheme, extend across the league.
For much of this season, Michael Stutes of the Philadelphia Phillies was forced to wear a Hello Kitty backpack and a pink feather boa purchased by Brad Lidge, a 10-year veteran, during a road trip to San Francisco. “I thought it wasn’t right for Stutes to be carrying a plain black bag,” Lidge said. “I was in Macy’s shopping for my kids. I just knew we wanted something pink.”
Jonny Venters of the Atlanta Braves, meanwhile, toted an assortment of bags last season that recalled the TiVo recordings of an 8-year-old. First there was Hannah Montana. Then iCarly. By September, the team’s veterans added SpongeBob SquarePants and Cinderella.
“I heard stuff from fans on the road, you know, ‘Nice backpack, man!’ ” Venters said, laughing. “But, whatever. It’s a fun time.”
No one quite knows when the playful practice began. Trevor Hoffman, baseball’s career leader in saves, said that this type of rookie hazing did not occur when he reached the majors in 1993 and that he never noticed the bags in the proceeding decade.
“But now it seems like we’re seeing a ton of them everywhere,” Hoffman said. “I think it’s amusing for the fans to see. It’s kind of a way of pointing out who’s the low man on the totem pole.”
Major League Baseball for now has no issue with the bags, as long as they maintain a spirit of innocence, a league spokesman said.
Baseball’s famously nitpicky attention to dress was exposed last year when it briefly barred Joe Maddon, the manager of the Tampa Bay Rays, from wearing a team-branded hooded sweatshirt over his uniform top in the dugout.
For a sport that has seemed to resist any diversion from the sacraments of its rich history, then, this colorful rite is an unlikely trend.
Hoffman, who retired before the start of this season, said the bags were harmless. But other shenanigans, he said, could overstep the boundaries of baseball’s accepted manners. In 2007, for example, Hoffman and the other San Diego Padres relievers bought a motorized cooler for the rookie to ride to the bullpen. But it was stopped after one outing.
“We just thought it was too over the top,” Hoffman said. “We didn’t need to bring that much attention to ourselves.”
When Hoffman left the Padres before the 2009 season, the bullpen was left under the stewardship of Heath Bell. A long and fraught process to find the perfect bag soon followed.
“We did, like, a school bus driver, a crossing guard, a fisherman, a construction worker, and it just wasn’t good,” Bell said of the search in his first year as the team’s closer. “And then I came across Yoda.”
Bell encountered the backpack with the “Star Wars” theme while taking his children to Legoland in Carlsbad, Calif., and felt it was perfect for the team. The ensuing winning streak sealed the matter. Two other bags, one featuring R2-D2 and one a stormtrooper, have since made their debut with the Padres, and Bell said he had Chewbacca and C-3PO at home in reserve.
These days, before every game, Yoda is slung over the shoulders of Erik Hamren.
“It’s part of the gig,” Hamren, 25, said. “I’ve grown to love it.”
The nature of the game, meanwhile, means that this fluorescent pink wave will most likely endure for years.
“Guys are starting to move up that had it first done to them, so it seems like it’s starting to get passed on,” Hoffman said. “Guys that are carrying them now are going to want to make sure they get the chance to make someone else do it.”
Last month, for instance, Stutes was able to rid himself of the Hello Kitty and boa ensemble when the Phillies called up Michael Schwimer, 25, a 6-foot-8 right-hander.
“He was very happy to hand it over to me,” Schwimer said. “I’ll just wear it with pride.”
A version of this article appeared in print on September 1, 2011, on page B11 of the New York edition with the headline: Humility by the Pack.
My view on it:
A harmless way of hazing, I'm down with that! I read this artical and felt that girly backpacks is a fun way to motivate the "lower totempole" (as they called them) guys. One is probabley wondering how I view this as a motivator. If I was seen wearing something as femine and I were as mascaline as these guys are then I would have been inspired to play great de to being, "man enough" to rick this fashion I'd be man enough for anything.
As seen here the smallest things can keep the enjoyment ans task orinated aspects in playing a serious sport.