Monday, September 19, 2011

First post- Cognitive Dissonance

In this article, Leon Festinger presents Cognitive Dissonance as a motivational state. I definitely agree with his theory that this dissonance causes a sense of motivation within humans. When something we personally feel is against the norm or social acceptance, sometimes it is that much more motivating to have it become correct because of the dissatisfaction of the two not fitting together. With the social support of others, it is easier for us to cognitively accept something as correct even without full acceptance because we know we are not alone in our thoughts. People are motivated to dig deeper for explanation when conflict in their cognition occurs, and they use these explanations to justify their dissonant thoughts.


  1. Like you I agree that thus theory that this dissonance causes a sense of motivation within humans. Your post honestly helped me understand cognitive dissonance a little more. You did a great job explaining how motivation and cognitive dissonance are related.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree! We all want to do our best, and sometimes we are never fully satisfied. I believe that this dissatisfaction causes us to strive further until we are met with our goal. (And sometimes that is still not enough :) ) Great post.
