Thursday, December 9, 2010

Money Really Doesn't Buy Happiness

We've all heard the phrase 'money can't buy happiness', right? Well as it turns out, not only does it not buy happiness but it makes you less appricaitive of what you already have. Quiodback et al found that those who were shown pictures of money or prompted to think of money were less able to feel positive emotions. In a second study they found that those prompted enjoyed a chocolate bar less than those not prompted. So while you may be jealous because only the super rich can buy the new Lamborgheni, you can be satisfied knowing that they will not enjoy it.


  1. haha this makes sense though, people who have less money think about other things like family and try to do the best they can with what they have. they focus on the pleasure of relationships more than the objects they have. people who have money get really greety and just want more of it no matter so i can see why theyd never be satisfied.

  2. This makes a lot of sense. I think the reason why not only does money not buy happiness but maybe makes us even sadder to think about it, is because our society is so pressed to make money. We are taught that to live in this country especially, money is the ultimate goal. It will give your family security, shelter, and food. Our society makes us believe that we have to have money to succeed and that making money is the ultimate succession. Perhaps the pressure of this is what leads people to not be happy when the thought of money is brought up.

  3. This makes a lot of sense. When you don't have money you try to think of other things to make up for your lack of money. When you have money all you can think about is what you want to spend it on or how much more you have than someone else. When you have money you think that it is the cure to everything and that everything in your life will be fixed when in reality some things are just not fixable. When you do not have money you have more time to focus on your family and other important matters.

  4. Interesting study. Money is really only important for attaining food and shelter, once these needs are met, happiness will come primarily from meaningful relationships with others and the self. Temporary happiness can be bought in a store, but it doesn't take long before one becomes bored with it.
