We all have embedded needs for survival included hunger; thirst, shelter, and the avoidance of harm and pain against one self. These special needs are also called primary reinforces. Clark Hull believed in the 1930’s in the concept of homeostasis, in regards to having the balance of body parts and how they work and react with one another. His theory was that these homeostatic reactions and parts may have the scientific explanation for motivation:
Excitation potential = S H R [D x K x J x V]...where....
S H R was the number of reinforced training trials
D was the amount of biological deprivation or drive
K was the size or magnitude of the goal
J was the delay before the animal was allowed to pursue the goal
V was the intensity of the stimulus that set off the behavior
While this mathematical equation is intense and complicated to those who are not math experts. In a simpler form, he believes that they are based upon your needs. An example of this is when you are sweating and when you’re hot; your motivation will let you remove your sweatshirt or a cooler place to regulate your body temperature. This drive of energy was powered by behavior. His idea of these drives (to get cooler when body temperature is hot) you would repeat any behavior to reduce that drive. This theory is thus explained as the drive-reduction theory of motivation.
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