Sunday, September 19, 2010

Push Pull Theory

The Push Pull Theory's purpose is to clarify the distinction between motive and incentive. Motivated behavior results from a person being pushed and pulled towards some endstate. In the push pull thoery there are motives and incentives. The motives are the "push" part, and the incentives are the "pull" part. Motives push a person into action toward an endstate. An example would be hunger. The hunger would be the push towards the food. Incentives pull a person toward an endstate. An example of this would be that chocolate pulls a person to it. Biological and psychological motives push an individual into action while environmental prospects like incentives and goals pull an individual. Motives for the push pull theory could be many different things. For example, emotions could be motives. Fear, anger, disgust, and sadness push individuals toward endstates defined by the aim of the emotion. Biological factors also contribute to the push pull theory. Biological cariables are sources internal or witin a persons body or brain. There is a hormone in the brain called Ghrelin that stimulates hunger/eating. There is also reductionism. Reductionism is a term used to explain the minds psychological process in terms of activity of neurons in the brain. An example of this would be that hunger sensations result from brains hypothalamus registering a decline of glucose in the blood. I agree with this theory. I agree with it because the way it is explained sounds reasonable to me. The logic behind the theory makes sense and all fits together nicely.